

The depth of the shadow is equivalent to the

strength of the light.

They are relative and dependent on each

other without hierarchy.

Shadows are often subtle, unseen yet

necessary for sight.

They play with our imaginations, our fears and


The idea of a shadow has many implications;

from interference of light, mysterious

unknown, Jungian idea of repressed aspects

of the psyche, even the beginnings of

painting have been associated with the

tracing of a shadow.

Our Night is brought on by the shadow of our

own earth, just as the moon hides itself in

shadows of itself throughout its phases.

Throughout history, religion, and culture the

feminine has been condemned to darkness,

kept in the shadows, divided into categories

such as virgin and whore. This duality informs

our nature and our reality.

The show attempts to shine a light on the

feminine shadow, and the shadows that we all


In the shadow hides that which we hide from ourselves. According

to Carl Jung, One cannot be a whole person without

acknowledging the shadow side. It’s not black and white, there are

many shades of gray.

Remember, the darkest shadows always lie behind the brightest


I am asking the viewer to reflect on their own

image of the shadow. Using highly reflective surfaces (metal, glass,

etc.) the viewer is seeing the work through their own reflection and


Shadows, Lights, Many shades of gray, Share our nature and our reality,

Tracing of a shadow, Dreams, Necessary for sight, Other without hierarchy,

Strength of the light.